lunes, 22 de diciembre de 2008

Hiya! And Happy Christmas! I hope you guys all get what you want for X-mas, I have asked for an Apple MacBook, which has amazing photo editing programs, but as it is tooo expensive, I dont think ma mere et mon pere will get it for me! I have also asked for a lovely camera, but my mum says that I shall stay with my digital Sony one,until I learn more about photography (!)

Right now Im reading New Moon, the second book of Twilight by Stephenie Meyer, Im in page 311 already, it has 574, so I still have a lot to go through, its tres interesant, I love it, I also loved the movie, featuring Robert Pattisson (hottie!) it was great, the book is amazing too, Its sooo cool, I could make 100 posts talking about it, but I would spoil it for you, because maybe youre either reading it , or will read it after seeing my post ;)

Im wrapping up the christmas pressies for my fab family, I have this really cool silver paper, and lots of ribbons of different colours and although I have made my room a mess, the presents look great, I hope everyone likes them! :D

They are operating my yorkshire doog tomorrow :S, hope everything will be ok, Im real scareed.

He is sooo cute and adorableeee, well, wish him luck...
Bye, yours, Eu

New Girl in Blogspot!

So, I am new here...

Hy, me name is Eugenia ( but most people call me Eu, so hope you do aswell! ) Im from Spain, but Im writing this blog in English cause its my not-native-but-favourite-language, Im into fashion, reading,singing,writing and photography, so Im planning on posting pictures of me and my sometimes weird but unique and creative designs, talking about the books I read, and maybe even posting videos of me singing...

Im 12 years old, but very very very tall for my age! x)

Um, well, Im interested in knowing any websites or mags about fashion, good books etc.

Any comments are very welcome.